Duke of Edinburgh International Award

Application for DofE Award in 2024/2025

Deadline for registration: 17 April 2025

This application to do the DofE International Award will take about 20 minutes. Your responses and the detail you provide will help us to assess your suitability for the Award. Thus, when completing this application, you must think carefully about what you want to achieve in undertaking the International Award.

You must also demonstrate a good understanding of the Award, and present a plan of how you wish to complete it. This plan requires specific ideas about what you want to do in the four sections of the Award; physical activity, skill development, volunteering and undertaking expeditions.

If you require more information about the Award and how to plan your own award sections before and during the completion of this application, please consult the following websites:

Personal details
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Please select your yeargroup/award to continue…

Bronze Award Information

In this section, you must demonstrate an understanding of the International Award and present a plan of what you would like to achieve in all four sections of the Award. More information on these sections, the SMART goals / aims and the assessors you need to have in order to complete the Award can be found at https://www.dofe.org/do/sections/

Remember that your goal for each section needs to be SMART! Think about this carefully. Read the following guide and examples in order to help create your own smart goals; www.dukeofed.org/doedocs/Smart-Goals-Worksheet.pdf

Physical Activity




The Expedition (adventurous journey) section of the Award requires you to plan and successfully complete two overnight camping trips with a group of 5-7 other participants. Do you feel you are capable of this and that this is something you would enjoy?

Previous involvement in DofE Award

Please fill out this quick summary of your involvement in the DofE Award to date. If you did DofE Bronze in Runnymede, remember that you must finish your Bronze Award before doing the Silver Award.

Have you done the Bronze or Silver Award?

If you have done the Bronze or Silver, have you completed this fully, including all aspects of the Online Record Book?

Gold Award Information

In this section, you must demonstrate an understanding of the International Award and present a plan of what you would like to achieve in all four sections of the Award. More information on these sections, the SMART goals / aims and the assessors you need to have in order to complete the Award can be found at https://www.dofe.org/do/sections/

Remember that your goal for each section needs to be SMART! Think about this carefully. Read the following guide and examples in order to help create your own smart goals; www.dukeofed.org/doedocs/Smart-Goals-Worksheet.pdf

Physical Activity




The Expedition (adventurous journey) section of the Award requires you to plan and successfully complete two overnight camping trips with a group of 5-7 other participants. Do you feel you are capable of this and that this is something you would enjoy?

Doing the Award in Runnymede
Why do you want to apply to do the DofE International Award at Runnymede? (choose one)