Club Membership Enrolment Form

Personal details

Fields marked with an asterisk are required

Pupil's name*: Surname(s)*:

Please provide two contact phone numbers for use during trips:

Please attach a scan of your child's health document: (<512Kb)


Beginner Intermediate Advanced

Beginner Intermediate Advanced

Equipment rental

Not required Skis Boots Poles
Please fill in if rental is required:


Terms and Conditions

I accept and understand the terms and conditions described below:

  • I authorise Manuel Powell and other Team Runnymede Ski&Surf members of staff to accompany my child to the scheduled trips to Sierra Nevada, Baqueira, Andorra, Alps and Cantabria.
  • I accept that it is the responsibility of the parent / guardian to inform the Team Runnymede Ski&Surf management of any changes to my child’s medical record, medical and dietary requirements.
  • By registering my child for Team Runnymede Ski&Surf, I acknowledge the risks inherent to the undertaking of the programme. Team Runnymede Ski&Surf staff members are fully trained to deliver the programme and will take all reasonable steps to ensure the safety of participants during trips and activities.
  • In the event of medical emergencies during Team Runnymede Ski&Surf trips, I consent to emergency treatment being carried out on my child by qualified medical professionals and upon their advice, provided that in the opinion of the qualified medical professionals any delay could further endanger the health and safety of my child.

By registering my child for Team Runnymede Ski&Surf, I agree to a termly fee of €790. Payment deadlines are: November 25th (1st term), January 13th (2nd term), April 20th (3rd term). The fee covers:

  • Training scheme development, sessions and progress tracking
  • Full cost 5 weekend trips to Sierra Nevada (training sessions, equipment, accommodation, food, transport)
  • Physical training sessions every Thursday at School
  • Team Runnymede Ski Kit
  • Equipment
  • Federation license and Insurance
  • Discounts on the price of the Baqueira, Andorra, Cantabria, and Alps trips

I understand that Team Runnymede Ski&Surf members will be charged additional fees if they wish to sign up to the Baqueira, Andorra, Cantabria, Alps. The fees will be notified with at least one month’s notice.

I would like fees to be charged via:
My school account through direct debit
Bank Transfer (ES90 0128 7680 4501 0019 3745)


I have read and accept the conditions of the Privacy Policy and consent to this information being used for the purpose of administering the Ski and Surf club.

By registering my child for Team Runnymede Ski&Surf, I consent to photos and videos of activities involving my child being used by the school for documentation and promotional purposes. This may include the school website, school internal communications and school-administered social media. All participation data is kept and used in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of 2018.
Runnymede College, S.A. is the Data Processor of the personal data provided with your consent and you are hereby informed that the data shall be processed in accordance to the terms of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of 27th April 2016 (GDPR) and and the Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December (LOPDGDD), for the purpose of performing the necessary management for the pupil to be able to participate in complementary activities, and will be retained while there is a mutual interest. When no longer necessary for that purpose, it shall be deleted with adequate security measures to guarantee pseudonymisation or total destruction of the data. No data shall be shared with third parties, except under legal obligation. You are also informed that you may exercise the rights of access, correction, portability and erasure of your data and those of limitation and opposition to its processing by written request to our Data Protection Officer (DPO) at
Data Processor: Runnymede College,S.A.
Purpose: performing the necessary management for the pupil to be able to participate in complementary activities. Rights: You may exercise the rights of access, correction, portability and erasure of your data and those of limitation and opposition to its processing. More information: